Yikes! :)

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I'm so freaking old I can't remember what I paid for my first car. I can't even remember my first car, although I know it wasn't a Chevy. I've never been a Chevy liking guy. This story was a barrel of fun though!

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Brent, good story, but be careful.

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Do not risk anything with a spark if you don't know the contents. Sixtyfive years ago, a man I knew used a flame cutter to cut the lid off a barrel that had contained tar. The lid blew off, splattering tar all over him, and he caught on fire. He was in the hospital for months with third degree burns, but somehow survived. Please, Brent, do even consider it. I love your story, though, and look forward to how you solve the problem.

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There's got to be a video of your barrel opening, complete with way too much hype, not unlike The Opening Of Al Capone's Vault.

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