I hope your snowstorms are over for you by now. I have read about them on the laptop, but spring has finally sprung here in Southern Illinois, and I'm glad. I enjoyed reading about your useful objects and their memories. I can relate- while many of my friends have redecorated, refurnished their houses several times in the last forty years, I still have mostly the same furniture and decor that we started with when we first built our log home on our farm. Anytime I feel like I want to make some expensive improvement, I ask myself " how happy would that make me?' Not so much ! Have a good spring, soon.

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Ah, the continued joys of a writing shack. Hopefully just what you envisioned. Skol!

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Somehow, I find it difficult to “Marie Kondo” those things that conjure memories. Having had the fortune to live a few years, that means the list has a bit of heft, and curating it has shifted from “is it used?” to “can I part with it?,” the latter generally relating to a now-grown child who wore bunny ears while sitting on it in an Easter basket, or a now-deceased parent or relative using it. The funniest things: a small bowl my mother used for banana pudding, a green bowl in which my presented Waldorf salad (neither of which appeals, except for the memories); books - BOOKS! and so on on. Your legacy will be passed forward with the many things you have crafted with your mind and your hands.

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