Very good article and I love the comments! Working with younger kids has a way of keeping you humble regardless of degrees, honors, or attending a famous


Here’s an example from my experience. Back in the days of old, prior to computers, we had encyclopedias to extend learning. So when my fifth graders asked me about something, I would suggest looking it up in the encyclopedia. One young lad grew weary of that process. He asked a question and I suggested the encyclopedia. He promptly replied, “ Did you even go to college?” In his mind, my degree didn’t count for much of anything. Or, perhaps, he truly wondered if college was a part of my teacher training!

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Couldn't agree more! I was going to change my major in university from maths and science to English literature thinking it would help my writing. Went to a fancy writing conference held at Harvard, paid a huge amount to listen to top children's authors pontificate and bloviate. I thought they're writing to impress each other, not kids. Decided not to continue university after all. I'd educate myself on my own terms. So paid a hefty sum to save an even heftier sum and fifteen ,+ books later, no regrets!

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For two people so vastly different, we have an enormous amount in common.

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Aug 18, 2023Liked by Brent Olson

Yup! Remember when you used to call me sister? I always felt the same, like you were a brother from another faith. No need to argue when we're all just doing our best to please God. 💖

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