Exactly right. Having our underwear constantly in a twist over something or other, is not a good strategy for a happy life.

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I have never been accused of being a reasonable person, especially this week.

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Amen to all you offered here!

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Loved this. The world would be a better place

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Thank you, Brent. I hope to remain as flexible-in body and spirit-as possible as long as possible. Your thoughts will help me.

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The “elevator music” in my most recent convenience store visit had a female vocalist repeating the phrase “It was the best day ever!” That was the extent of it. Very catchy and I wish I could find it to play every morning. Thanks Brent - Best Day Ever!

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Bingo! I should print this and frame it, or at least glue it to the freezer door of my refrigerator.

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Nicely put, Brent.

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