I'm glad you liked it. You're not the only one with complicated feelings about the United States. One of my favorite poems is by James Wright - The Flying Eagles of Troop 62. It's a great poem, you can find it online, but if you don't have the time to look it up, here's the final paragraph.

"When I think of Ralph Neal's name, I feel some kind of ice breaking open in me. I feel a garfish escaping into a hill spring where the crawdads burrow down to the pure bottom in hot weather to get the cool. I feel a rush of long fondness for that good man Ralph Neal, that good man who knew us dreadful and utterly vulnerable little bastards better than we knew ourselves, who took care of us better than we took care of ourselves, and who loved us, I reckon, because he knew damned well what would become of most of us, and it sure did, and he knew it, and he loved us anyway. The very name of America often makes me sick, and yet Ralph Neal was an American. The country is enough to drive you crazy."

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It's going to be a little while. We have Covid at our house, and even though with all our vaccinations, etc., it's only like a bad cold, the damn tests keep coming up positive.

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You must be very proud of the encumbrances your family haven taken on rhrough the years. This country, our communities, and one another, could do with a lot more folks willing to be encumbered beyond their own worlds, if they are able. Another spot on article. Thank you.

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Hi Brent, I'm glad you took this on. You're precisely the type of person who should. Got to the line 'this is a great country ' and there was a time when I was to bitter to agree. But I'm writing this from the deep south, Natchez Mississippi, and I wholeheartedly agree. America has a habit of surprising me when I really shouldn't be surprised. The fact that it produced a fine gentleman like you really proves there's an awful lot of good!

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Well put- lots of encumbrance is needed in our country.

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Hope you’re all feeling better soon. Thank you for the informative and well written article. Happy Thanksgiving!

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Is it time to share a little wine ... from my encumbrance? Well said and well written!

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A really nice column.


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Thanks Joe. But now I'm ready for spring...and to get some of the other stuff cleared off the table.

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An exceptional piece!

You do honor the Creator with your life. Your work and your « recreation »…thank you!

Please send this through Facebook with SHARE provision so that I may easily post it on my timeline. Ja. MY timeline. I and my friends need to read this.

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Did it. Share away.

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