Brent, you're not kidding; and, you are in good company. I point to: Storm Lake https://g.co/kgs/Ltcf5T

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My favorite line ‘ A side note to my fellow nobodies. If you don’t want to be treated as though you’re stupid, it might help if you stop doing stupid stuff. You know who you are.’

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All too often I never find out what amazing things people I thought I knew have accomplished until I read their obituary after they die. Maybe we should all publish our obituary before hand.

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"One Swallow (man) does not a summer make". For me an allusion to the influence, or lack thereof, of one or even a dozen men.

The particular individual you reference has no influence in the whole sphere of things. To liken this to an erasure of yourself is akin to allowing another to have power over you.

It is easy to pick out 'celebrities' or political figures who have made poor choices, this is true whether they are Wall Street or Main Street. Righteous anger is OK, but use it to right the wrong.

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Being overlooked is a notation in my resume, and I wholeheartedly agree with your angst. Your seventh paragraph from the bottom should be enough to earn a Pulitzer, which should be more than enough to have your notation and reputation fully restored in Wikipedia.

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Interesting- but being one of the nobodies in "flyover country ( southwestern Illinois ) , I wonder if I am one of those people doing the stupid things that I should stop- give me a clue as to what that might be. I agree with so much of what you are saying here. It seems like the "wise people" who get so much press and influence decisions in our country are not the people (like us nobodies) who actually get things done. And they are parasites living their high lifestyles on the backs of the nobodies- ok- time to stop this rant !

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Thank again for reminding us that everything important is not due to the "smart" people on the coasts or at a big university. That attitude seems divisive and perhaps is a big reason for the divided politics of this country.

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