I agree with you about snacking at the end of harvest. Cold coffee and a day bed crust tastes wonderful! The final day of harvest is much more satisfying than completing planting.

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Can't agree with respect to sucking for not ever having a BLT, but yeah, the rest of it. Simple food and I would add honestly earned...there's no better meal.

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I remember when I was in college I had a Jewish professor...kind of an exotic creature in 1974, and when someone asked him what it meant to be Jewish he said, "It means you can't eat bacon." I thought...it must be more complicated than that...

Now that I think of it, because of our Somali population, Islamic people are still far more common than Jews in our neck of the woods. I wish I would have thought of this sooner, but on my list of good meals I could have put the goat I had in a Somali restaurant in Willmar, a town about 70 miles away, where I was the only person in the place who spoke English and the menu had to be navigated with trust and good wishes.

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I've come across so many people who have pitied me because I can't eat pork or drink alcohol. I tell them, 'Don't pity me. I don't miss it.'

Can't miss what you never had especially when you look at it as nasty! Different tastes...

There's plenty of yummy stuff in the world.

The older I get, the more simple my pleasures.

Seeing a video of my youngest grandchild being read to and loving it!

Talking with my oldest grandchild and laughing at her chutzpah!

A piece of whole wheat toast with butter and apricot jam and a cup of hazelnut coffee...mmmm.

That's joy!

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Fresh from the garden - the best!

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