
Richard, we were just talking about you. Did you manage to hang onto that machete that Eric brought back from Jamaica a few decades ago?

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Another fine piece of writing. I think that you should have all of your grandchildren as honorary pallbearers. Why not? Maybe ask (if there is a memorial service) the whole group to sing starshine at your memorial service? My mom loved the song Maple-leaf-rag because her grandfather, father, then my sister and her grandchildren played the rousing song for her. Guess what was played at her funeral service? Not necessarily a church hymn. Anyway - your writing has brought a tear to my eye. What a legacy and joyful memory you have given to your children and grandchildren. Starshine!

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This is beautiful, funny and, of course, you, Brent. You actually articulated my plan, of course so much more eloquently than I could♥️

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Well written and well said. You have everything stated correctly. 😊👍

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Do you really sing this part?

Gliddy glub gloopy, nibby nabby noopy la, la, la, lo, lo

Sabba sibby sabba, nooby abba nabba, le, le, lo, lo

Tooby ooby walla, nooby abba naba

Early mornin' singin' song


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For some reason there aren't a lot of requests for that verse.

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"Good Morning, Sunshine", sung by the old farmer. is a fine requiem after restlessly fighting nightmares existing through a window-rattling, prairie wind. I bet they'll remember that forevermore. Fine piece of writing, Brent!

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