Aug 27, 2021Liked by Brent Olson

In an attempt to lose a pound or 23, I’ve been cutting back on carbs. That’s difficult because of a lifetime habit of throwing something, anything, between two slabs of bread and calling it lunch. I could use that cookbook.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Brent Olson

Just concluded a four-day road trip with an old buddy, taking lunches and dinners out of a solid red cooler. Our main issue was finding those light-a-sack charcoals are the same cost as a whole bag of brickettes. But our ribs and steaks were perfect at our state park settings. Two old guys running on late afternoon empty! Take only half at a time, eh? Love it!

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Brent Olson

Both of my kids come back home for lunch and we totally agree: noon on a working day is no time to use my cooking skills! We aim for "fast filling creativity"!

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If your girls need my cooking skills, I'll be on the next plane.

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Brent Olson

Imagine if we were living alone and had to eat all our meals in solitary confinement...good thing our spouses are available for companionship and coaching!

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One of my favorites growing up was 'sugar sandwich' Two pieces of homemade bread buttered with homemade butter sprinkled with sugar. For dessert use brown sugar.

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You made me laugh, thank you. I must admit you have very valid points.

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Joe just asked me if I’d like some artisanal sausage for breakfast. This one may follow you for awhile…like the rest of your life.

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