Now now, no self deprecating. That's what editing is for! You never send out your first attempt at expressing your thoughts! If they're original it's only natural they'll need honing. Honestly this is why I follow you. And it gives me hope that two individuals so different in obvious ways can see eye to eye on a lot of the most important things! Be well! And earn your place on the face of this world.
The first four versions weren't very good...but it came around in the end.
Now now, no self deprecating. That's what editing is for! You never send out your first attempt at expressing your thoughts! If they're original it's only natural they'll need honing. Honestly this is why I follow you. And it gives me hope that two individuals so different in obvious ways can see eye to eye on a lot of the most important things! Be well! And earn your place on the face of this world.