Oh, to be a kid again ... with an adventurous mother. Mine was a "river rat" with two college degrees and was my first fishing partner. She wasn't much for fireworks and explosions, however ... unless it was the "pop" of a open-mouthed catfish breaking the surface of the water as she jerked the pole (never a rod!) over her head.
Oh, to be a kid again ... with an adventurous mother. Mine was a "river rat" with two college degrees and was my first fishing partner. She wasn't much for fireworks and explosions, however ... unless it was the "pop" of a open-mouthed catfish breaking the surface of the water as she jerked the pole (never a rod!) over her head.
Oh, to be a kid again ... with an adventurous mother. Mine was a "river rat" with two college degrees and was my first fishing partner. She wasn't much for fireworks and explosions, however ... unless it was the "pop" of a open-mouthed catfish breaking the surface of the water as she jerked the pole (never a rod!) over her head.