Very fun.

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One of my favorite memories with my Dad was when he invited me, then a pre-teen, to ride along with the Harvey boys, who trucked livestock to the St. Louis stockyards back in the day. My first time in the "big city," although as I learned later in life, what I saw was NOT "big city" but acres of wood paneled stockyards. We sat around the pen of his cattle as people walked by and in after having the best ham and egg breakfast I've ever experienced in my life. The ham was nearly as large as those big ham steaks you see at Bonnies in Clinton. After a bit of sitting on the wooden fence, we then went inside a courthouse looking building to an office on the ground floor for a meeting, when I presume Dad got his check, then we rejoined the Harvey guy for the ride back to our farm. I've not forgotten that ham steak breakfast for nearly 70 years.

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Wonderfully written!🙂

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Oh the fragrance in downtown Omaha.

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Great storytelling! It’s a magical compressor, because it left me sitting on a tire, remembering my own stories. But for the very first time, I saw a typo. World, not word. Emphasis on “the very first time.”

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