This reminds me of the time I helped the kids make a potato gun

Just some scrap PVC pipes, bigger diameter at the bottom end for the chamber

Drill a hole in chamber, fill with either hairspray or WD-40

Insert potato or whatever vegetable that was handy, Light it up

What could go wrong???

Target was was the silo 300ft away

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I like the plot twist at the end... where it's your wife helping them, not you!

FYI, fire doesn't really follow a trail of black powder slowly along until it reaches a pile of the stuff and explode. Don't ask me how I know. 😱😏🙄

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Good old American ingenuity begins with taking backyard (or on the farm) risks. Love that your wife “helped,” and in the process facilitated and guided their curiosity (and safety).

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Love this! Your family is awesome!

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Oh, to be a kid again ... with an adventurous mother. Mine was a "river rat" with two college degrees and was my first fishing partner. She wasn't much for fireworks and explosions, however ... unless it was the "pop" of a open-mouthed catfish breaking the surface of the water as she jerked the pole (never a rod!) over her head.

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I like your wife's sense of adventure !

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Lol. She decided to help!

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So much difference in the lives of people in the big cities and us country folks in the Midwest !

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